Connemara Escape became the ambassador of the Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark Project.

Connemara Escape became an official ambassador of the Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark Project.

We have decided to participate in the ambassador program to learn more about the beautiful landscape of Maam Valley.

This is where we offer scenic kayaking and paddle boarding tours, but also where we connect with nature at our Mindfulness Retreats and Wellness Events.

Maam Valley

The program covers the whole Joyce country region of course and brings the opportunity to learn more about the landscape, lakes, and rivers, what type of rocks we can find here and when and how were they formed, and the geological timeframe of the formation of the land. The program teaches recognizing the episodes of its formation by observing the landscape. It covers information about the rich biodiversity, environment, and ancient culture of the first people who inhabited the land.

 “ The rocks and landscape of the Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark region tell a story that spans 700 million years. They tell the story of a continent that started in the Southern Hemisphere and split apart, of an ocean that opened and closed again, of land that was submerged beneath warm tropical waters, of a continent in the Northern Hemisphere that split apart to form a new ocean, of periods of landscape-forming glaciations and finally of human interaction with the land. This entire fantastic story can be told here, in the Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark.

UNESCO Global Geoparks have geology of international importance. In the Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark region, we have what is arguably the best international example of the complete Grampian-Taconic Orogeny. This was a mountain-building event, and evidence for this can be seen in Ireland, Scotland, and from the Appalachian Mountains through to Greenland. This translates to a great geodiversity of rock types, fossils, and landscape features to explore.”

Maam Turks, Winter 2023

Thank you to the Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark for organizing such a valuable educational course accessible to anyone who would like to know a little bit more about this special geological history of the region.

You can find fantastic videos on the Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark Youtube Channel

For more information visit:

Connemara Escape

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